Training Courses
Training: 2 – 3 days.
The program consists of theoretical classes (40%) and hands—on practice (60%)
At the end of the training the certification is offered (optional). It includes an oral examination and practical UP application exam.
Training: 3 days.
The program consists of theoretical classes (30%) and hands—on practice (70%)
At the end of the training the certification is offered (optional). It includes an oral examination and practical use of the equipment.
Sintec offers a number of courses that introduce the participants to the Residual Stress Management (RSM) concept and provide a deeper insight into the theoretical background and practical applications of the Ultrasonic Impact and Residuals Stress Measurements
Course length: 1 day
“Residual Stress Management: Measurement, Fatigue Analysis and Beneficial Redistribution”
Course length: 1 day
“Ultrasonic Impact Treatment of Welded Elements and Structures: Technology, Efficiency and Industrial Application”
Course length: 1 day
“Ultrasonic Measurement of Residual Stresses: Technique, Instrumentation, Lab and Field Applications”
Prof. J. Kleiman obtained his Ph.D. degree from the University of Toronto, Institute for Aerospace Studies in 1984 and was appointed at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies from 1989 until 2011 as an Adjunct Professor. He obtained his M. A. Sc. Degree from the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion), Israel in 1978 and his B.A.Sc. degree from the Vilnius Institute of Engineers (VISI), USSR in 1970.
Prof. Jacob I. Kleiman was working at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies from 1989 until 2011 as an Adjunct Professor and teaching courses in material science and surface analysis. He also holds a Consulting Professor appointment since 1999 at the Harbin Institute of Technology, Space Environmental Effects Laboratory, Harbin, China. He supervised over 20 Doctoral, Post-doctoral and Master Degree students.
Prof. Kleiman acted as the Chairman of the ASM Council, American Society for Metals (ASM) International, Ontario Chapter (2000-2001)
He has over 30 years of professional experience in material science, residual stress management activities, evaluation and measurement of residual stresses using the ultrasonic methods. He participated in many R&D and industrial projects in Canada. England, Korea Chechia on measurement of residuals stresses in laboratory and field conditions.
Prof. Kleiman and his company were awarded a number of excellence awards. In 1982 he was awarded the Circle of Technical Excellence Award by Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Co. (3M) company. In 1984 he won the prestigious Pergamon Prize Award for the best paper published in the International Journal “Carbon”. The company he formed in 1989 has won the Business Excellence Award (Company of the Year Creativity) in North York, Ontario, Canada in 1996 and in 2004 an award by the ASM International Canadian Sustaining Member Corporate Innovation Award was presented for development of the Residual Stress Management tools, i.e. the UltraMARS and UltraPeen instruments.
Prof. J. Kleiman acted as an invited editor of Special Editions of Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets in 2003 and 2004 and is the editor of seven books of the Space Technology Proceedings Series “Protection of Materials and Surface Structures from Space Environment” that is being published by Kluwer, Springer and AIP thorough the years (1992 -2015). He published extensively in international journals and has over 150 publications.